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The Quick Start is Really Putting me off Kdenlive 20.04.0

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After years of using Windows Movie Maker very successfully, I have challenged myself to try to learn a more advanced Video editing package. So I downloaded and installed Kdenlive 20.04.0 onto my Windows 10 desktop PC.. I then downloaded the compressed files for the quick start guide. These files are in an unfamiliar compressed format *.bz2 (which was a bit of a challenge for me to find an extractor for), this was holding a more familiar *.tar compressed packet.. So after managing to decompress, twice, all the files for the quick start tutorial I then tried to follow the examples, only to find, the help, handbook and quick start does not refer to the Kdenlive 20.04.0 version. I got stuck almost straight away looking for things in Kdenlive 20.04.0 which have been either moved, renamed or work in a different way to that illustrated in the handbook and quick start.
I spent hours looking all over the internet for anything related to helping with using Kdenlive 20.04.0 without success..
So for now I give up and go back to my trusty Windows Movie Maker.
Sorry Guys I'm sure you all put in a lot of your time and a huge amount of effort programming Kdenlive 20.04.0 but without the correct help and documentation I can't see it being used by many, like me, new to the world of Kdenlive Video editing..
Registered Member
Thank you for the feedback. Beside the outdated Kdenlive picture and the project-file container could you give me some points where you struggle? I like to update the quick guide accordingly.

To start: drag/drop clips/videos from a windows folder direct into the timeline (click yes to “adjust project settings according clip properties”). Video and audio get separated on video and audio tracks. Adjust the length of the clip by left click the clip end and shorten/lengthen as needed (picture “Resize marker”).

Apply compositions (transitions): you must make a zigzag on the timeline with the clips (picture “Overlapping clips”), so they overlap each other a bit. Bottom left/right of a clip click on the color point and a wipe transition is applied.

Effects: drag/drop the effects direct on the clip and adjust the parameter in the composition/stack window.

Music: use the same steps as for videos.

Rendering should be OK in Quick Start guide.

I hope it’s not more confusing than the quick start guide.
Registered Member
Thank you for your quick reply, but as I am new to the editing techniques of Kdenlive, I do not have much understanding of what you are saying. However I will point out that you have also realised Kdenlive 20.04.0 is confusing too.. For example you typed this: "Apply compositions (transitions)" which implies I may not understand the word Compositions so you put Transitions in brackets..
I urge you to follow the existing quick start guide word for word, action by action with Kdenlive 20.04.0. I am sure you will not be able to get past the first set of instructions without finding issues.

To be clear, I would like to learn how to use Kdenlive 20.04.0 for editing my videos but I am not willing to teach you or anyone how to rewrite the handbook.


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