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Help with configurations

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Help with configurations

Wed May 13, 2020 2:22 pm
Hi, I have downloaded the kdenlive.20.04.0 edition in which I have a "compositions" tab with the "effects" tab instead of a "transitions" tab. When I have watched tutorials I am finding that my transitions and effects are in different places and sometimes not even available. How can I get the "transitions" tab instead of "compositions"?

Also, when I do have the same "composition" or "effect" and add it to a clip, there is no "properties" box that appears. I only have the ability to see "clip properties" which does not afford me the ability to adjust the "compositions" or "effects" that I have selected for the clip; in effect deeming all "compositions and "effects" useless. I have gone to view>properties, but no properties exists - just clip properties.

Thanks in advance


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