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Importing Clips and Freezing

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Importing Clips and Freezing

Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:03 am
I'm sure this is related to the jobs that are applied to each clip that are imported, but is this really supposed to lock up the application? I'm working with large files in 4gb chunks from a gopro. I try to drop 20 files in and the jobs pile up and the application literally grinds to a halt. Trying to preview footage will generally cause the application to stop responding. I can't view a job queue to find the status of jobs. Reviewing my system load shows nothing happening aside from single kdenlive process and 4 ffmpeg process, which I am assuming are rendering thumbnails.

I've got a 16 threads of compute, 64 gig of ram, solid state storage, and a Nvidia 2080 Super running on Linux with kdenlive 20.04.2. I'd expect my machine could handle just about any task but I don't see any bottle necks.

So I guess I'm confused. Am I doing something wrong? Is kdenlive not up to the task of working with mp4 files of this size? Can I improve the performance of kdenlive reliably?
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Re: Importing Clips and Freezing

Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:12 pm
Good questions. What Kubuntu are you on? I think it can handle stuff of that size. What filesystem(s) are you using. Ext4 or other?
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Re: Importing Clips and Freezing

Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:07 pm
I'm running Arch on ext4. Once the jobs completed, it was more manageable. Playing from the project Monitor also has terrible audio, especially when first pressing play. Stability in general is super unreliable with at least 5 different random shutdowns and one time I lost some of work that wasn't restored. I hate to be critical on so many fronts, but I struggled to really get my video completed. Here is the completed video for the curious: ... 4f9f282f78

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