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How to import image sequence that doesn't start at 0?

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So I use KDENLive on Windows and I as an animator I render out of Blender frequently. I've only started using KDENLive recently and have not figured out how to get pass some of the program's quirks.

So how I usually work is that I render out the sequence on a per shot basis with each shot residing in it's own folder and I import them indiviually in the video editor (in this case, KDENLive). The issue I'm encountering is that as the way Blender works is that when shot 2 comes around it does not start at 0, which is a common thing with any 3D software like SFM or Cinema 4D. KDENLive reports that it cannot open the file "shot2_%04d.tga?start=146", which I was like "okay, I'll just copy and paste a frame and rename it like that, but because it Windows it does not allow "?". I tried it in a VM running Linux but it still does not work. I also tried using an Slideshow Clip but then I get an error it cannot open ".all.tga", regardless if I manually create the file.

So I'm basically out of ideas now and as far as I can tell no one else has done this thing after a quick Google search.
So thank you to anyone who has any suggestions!
Registered Member
So since nobody has any ideas, I had to think a little outside the box: I used Natron to "convert" the shot to begin at 0.
I REALLY didn't want to do this as it adds an unneccassary step to my workflow... If I was needing to composite something for a short, then that's fair enough... Otherwise it is something I did kinda want to avoid... ^^"


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