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Some question's about KdenLive?

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Muktada Creations
Registered Member

Some question's about KdenLive?

Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:50 am
I have a some q's about kdenlive in my head I didn't really find it online and I didn't find any online community just for Kdenlive except this one so if u have some time to answer my beginner q's please do :)

1- Kdenlive uses a task called dbus-daemon.exe can I disable that I know I can just kill the task using a .bat file but it's 2020 can I disable it from the softwere itself?

2- DOES Kdenlive uses GPU in it rendering and can it use it for it full ability's for example in vegas there is an option I allways have in rendering setting's called decoder QSV(Quick Sync Video) or (Intel Quick Sync Video) but in kdenlive it doesn't use it or does it I don't know

3- what is the GPU acceleration in the playback option that I can't get to enabled I heard it's not avalable for windows and if it's not then when bec I heard that from 2018 post and if it is avalabe would use any GPU or very spiecefic, and what it's to do with this Movit Library, I don't know what's library's in the first place so is it just for linux or what can I do it in windows 8.1

BTW My system spec
-CPU - Core i5 3320M 2.6 GHz
-GPY - dual 1- Intel HD 4000 2- Nvidia nvs 5200

and yeah it's a laptop
Registered Member

Re: Some question's about KdenLive?

Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:31 pm
1. Dbus-daemon.exe is needed as display interface (it's coming from the Linux side).

2. GPU rendering is not implement so far as it is a difficult task. It's on the to-do list.

3. On windows, playback is done with OpenGL or DirectX and should use your graphic card automatically. The team is aware that DirectX is not properly implemented so far. Movit is for GPU accelerated effects and switched off at the moment as it is not stable.


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