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Broken effects in newest 20.08 Windows?

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Hi all, new to the forums. I just installed the new and fresh 20.08 release with great excitement, but that went away quickly, as soon as I found out that all my renders are coming out a grey flat image. My projects are short slideshows and have made quite a few already so my effects stacks are already organized and I know them to work. There was no change to the worflow other than the update to Kdenlive itself.

Closer inspection of the output files also reveal ridiculously small file sizes. I thought my output codec became unsupported (a hack I found for 2-pass MP4), but I get the same result with other downloaded MP4 configurations, with the native MP4 and also with lossless UTvideo.

Further investigation led me to discover that the culprits are some of the effects in my workflow, namely contrast and saturation. If I use either, my output is a flat grey or black static image, if I disable both I get video output and reasonable file sizes, about 80 times bigger, but of course in many cases the video is not what I intended, because it lacks the color corrections required.

My effect stacks were built using a previous but recent nightly, but I get the issue even by removing all the effects and building the stack one by one from the interface. I even renamed the folder where this release is installed so Kdenlive can't find it and mess up, but the issue persists.

My OS is Windows 10 64 bit with all the latest updates. Has anyone experienced something like this? I'm really excited by the new release but can't really use it like this. TIA.
Registered Member
Unfortunately, we detect this effect issue after the 20.08 release and it’s only on Win10: 20.04.1 doesn’t have this issue. Can you go back to 20.04.1?
Registered Member
Merlimau wrote:Unfortunately, we detect this effect issue after the 20.08 release and it’s only on Win10: 20.04.1 doesn’t have this issue. Can you go back to 20.04.1?

Thank you for your response. I'll keep using the 456 nighly which so far has given me good results, and keep updated about the progress with 20.08. Thanks again!


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