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Tooltip Popups for Clip Information

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Tooltip Popups for Clip Information

Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:01 pm
kdenlive 20.08.1 appimage
Linux Mint 19.3 (Ubuntu 18.04)

This was briefly mentioned in the May-June, 2020, timeframe (, but I find the behaviour on my system to be so annoying that I'm visiting it again.

To recap, when one hovers the cursor over a clip in a timeline, a tooltip-popup appears to list the name, in and out, and the duration of the clip. Don't get me wrong, I do use this sometimes, and it's quite helpful in those occasions. What I DO find annoying is that, even though the code (below) says, essentially, wait 1 second, display for 5 seconds, I get them almost cascading at times. They are quite often in the way of trying to edit a clip. (I can't post a screenshot because they rely on hovering.)

Now, this 'cascading' behaviour doesn't occur all the time, but it seems to happen when I've actually selected one or more clips - tooltips pop up for all of them.

What might be an easy solution would be a configuration option to turn these on and off (if such exists, please slap me on the wrist and tell me where it is).

Any comments, advice, or questions will be welcome!

Code: Select all

(first line below is line 118)

    ToolTip {
        visible: mouseArea.containsMouse && !dragProxyArea.pressed && !trimInMouseArea.containsMouse && !trimOutMouseArea.containsMouse && !fadeInMouseArea.containsMouse && !fadeOutMouseArea.containsMouse && ! && ! && ! && !
        delay: 1000
        timeout: 5000
        background: Rectangle {
            color: activePalette.alternateBase
            border.color: activePalette.light
        contentItem: Label {
            color: activePalette.text
            font: miniFont
            text: '%1 (%2-%3)\n%4: %5'.arg(label.text)


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