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Two minor but annoying problems

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Two minor but annoying problems

Fri May 21, 2021 6:32 pm
Hello everyone.

I'm using Kdenlive 21.0.4 on Ubuntu 18.04, installed from snap. The computer has Nvidia GTX 1050, and is configured to work with nvenc hevc.

I have two (make that three) problems with my project, that started appearing suddenly. They are both minor in severity, but very annoying.

The first is that I no longer get frame-level preview inside the timeline. It used to be that when I zoomed in all the way, each frame would appear in the clip's space in the timeline. This no longer happens. Even when zoomed in all the way, only the first and last frames show up. This makes it very difficult and time consuming to understand where to perform a cut. This appears to be something global, as it also happens to a project I last touched when it was still working, but in which it no longer works. Going over the global settings, however, I cannot seem to find anything relevant.

The second problem is with the UI. When I zoom in by pressing Ctrl+mouse wheel, the ui sometimes zooms in to a region completely unrelated to the previous location. By completely unrelated, I mean that the time region covered by the new view is completely outside the time region I was in when I zoomed in.

The last problem is very annoying, but I have found a work-around to it. I have an external player/recorder, which I use to record the audio for my video. When I import the MP3 files it generates, the further I am from the beginning of the recording, there is a discrepancy between the preview wave-form it shows in the time line and the actual audio I hear when I play. This makes precision cutting much more difficult.

Loading the recording in Audacity and saving it as OGG seems to fix this problem. With that said, kdenlive claims that the original MP3 and the new OGG have different length (a few seconds over 20 minutes recording).

Again, once I'm aware of this problem, I have a simple work-around, so it is definitely lower priority for me. Any help with the first two problems, however, would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Two minor but annoying problems

Sat May 22, 2021 11:59 pm
Shachar wrote:The first is that I no longer get frame-level preview inside the timeline. It used to be that when I zoomed in all the way, each frame would appear in the clip's space in the timeline. This no longer happens. Even when zoomed in all the way, only the first and last frames show up. This makes it very difficult and time consuming to understand where to perform a cut. This appears to be something global, as it also happens to a project I last touched when it was still working, but in which it no longer works. Going over the global settings, however, I cannot seem to find anything relevant.

Right-click on the track header (you know where the lock and video icon is), select Thumbnails and then All Frames

Shachar wrote:The second problem is with the UI. When I zoom in by pressing Ctrl+mouse wheel, the ui sometimes zooms in to a region completely unrelated to the previous location. By completely unrelated, I mean that the time region covered by the new view is completely outside the time region I was in when I zoomed in.

The zoom take the mouse position in the timeline as the zoom-into/out-of point

Shachar wrote:The last problem is very annoying, but I have found a work-around to it. I have an external player/recorder, which I use to record the audio for my video. When I import the MP3 files it generates, the further I am from the beginning of the recording, there is a discrepancy between the preview wave-form it shows in the time line and the actual audio I hear when I play. This makes precision cutting much more difficult.

IIRC, this is an issue that is being worked on. Perhaps you google or search this forum

Hope this helps ...

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Re: Two minor but annoying problems

Sun May 23, 2021 2:14 am
berndmj wrote:Right-click on the track header (you know where the lock and video icon is), select Thumbnails and then All Frames

Thank you. That, indeed, was it.

berndmj wrote:
Shachar wrote:The second problem is with the UI. When I zoom in by pressing Ctrl+mouse wheel, the ui sometimes zooms in to a region completely unrelated to the previous location. By completely unrelated, I mean that the time region covered by the new view is completely outside the time region I was in when I zoomed in.

The zoom take the mouse position in the timeline as the zoom-into/out-of point

Exactly! So a situation where the post-zoom timeline is outside the pre-zoom timeline should never happen. Particularly if the mouse pointer is almost exactly pointing to the timeline's current position.

I've finished the particular editing I was working on. The next time this happens, I'll record the screen and open a bug.

berndmj wrote:Hope this helps ...

It did. Quite a lot.
Thank you.
Registered Member

Re: Two minor but annoying problems

Sun May 23, 2021 5:34 am
BTW, the video in question is up on YouTube, if anyone is interested.

I also experienced a couple of crashes, but auto-reconvery worked great on them (that, or I was saving frequently enough). Either way, I was previously using 17.12.3 and the improvement to 21.04.0 was substantial. I'm not sure I'd have made it through with the older version.

Thanks for the great software.


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