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Project-Bin, source folder refresh & move-only

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I need to create a training video project in which all usable short
clips are STOWED in and organized form in the tracks window
where only the two top tracks (1 video + 1 audio) play in the
composition as such.

Once all the possible track parts are thus stowed I want to compose
the final piece by moving them at random into the main composition

I have started building such a stowage & selection project and the
project bin source is an entire folder. But as I progress toward
populating that source folder I would need the folder contents
updated each time kdenlive starts, which it doesn't do. And if I
try to replace that folder with its updated self then I immediately
lose all the tracks making use of the initial source.

The other feature that would help would be a project bin list
from which clips can be MOVED to the composition tracks
but not copied since repetition is not desired.

Open to all suggestions of course :-)
Registered Member
This is not possible now as multi-timeline (nested timeline) and multi-project is not implemented in Kdenlive. Maybe it will come with 21.12.

What you can do is, create a top track in which you put all clips in and from there you drop the needed clip into a lower, final track. This is not so elegant as you always have to lock either the top track or the final track otherwise you don’t see the correct clip playing in the monitor.

The other possibility is to open Kdenlive twice. Ones for the unsorted clips and ones for the final track. Then it should be possible to drag and drop clips from one Kdnelive instance to the other Kdenlive instance.
Registered Member
Merlimau wrote:This is not possible now as multi-timeline (nested timeline) and multi-project is not implemented in Kdenlive. Maybe it will come with 21.12.

What you can do is, create a top track in which you put all clips in and from there you drop the needed clip into a lower, final track. This is not so elegant as you always have to lock either the top track or the final track otherwise you don’t see the correct clip playing in the monitor.

The other possibility is to open Kdenlive twice. Ones for the unsorted clips and ones for the final track. Then it should be possible to drag and drop clips from one Kdnelive instance to the other Kdenlive instance.

Thanks for chiming in, what I have worked around to is to drag-and-drop directly into the composition window from a file manager. If I then immediately delete the file in file manager I in fact get a MOVE done allowing me to see what's left. Once a drop into the composition window is made the file automatically shows in the project bin (which I think is required for kdenlive to handle the project). All this isn't very elegant but hey, IT WORKS :-)


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