Hello, I'm using an action camera which does not have a flip image option in the settings and I'm using Kdenlive for flipping the image in post production. The only problem is that time and date stamp code also gets flipped.
Is there a way to rotate back only the part of the image with the date and time?
I'm attaching an example image of what I want to rotate.
I assume you are using kdenlive, but this technique should work for most editors.
All you need to do is add the clip to the time line, then add an effect to crop out the date stamp. On kdenlive this is timeline > add effect > crop, scale and tilt.
Once you have that to the size and position you like, add the same clip to the second timeline, so the top timeline is superimposed on the bottom. That will leave the inverted date stamp at the bottom, but you could then just crop the bottom 10-20px off the 2nd timeline, and it would be gone -- or you could blot it out with a colored block... or just live with it.