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Audio formats

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Audio formats

Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:23 am
I am looking to buy a portable lavalier mic recorder setup and found what seems to be a very good and easy to use product,
question is it uses 32bit float recording 44.1 or 48Khz is this compatible with editing in Kdenlive version 21.08.1 or would you need to put it in Audacity first?
As a side question better to record in 48Khz
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Re: Audio formats

Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:31 pm
You can import what you like. I sometimes import 96khz flac ;D and that works to.

But eventually at rendering Kdenlive is going to convert the audio back to video standard, and i have no sight on the quality of that conversion (anyone??).
For that i usually edit the sound in a good audio-program (as audacity is, or as in my case my prod. software) and import the ready track (48khz/16bit) which will not be converted at the end (just simple render 1on1). Simply said, i import audio in exact the quality i am going to export on rendering.

So for a simple video sound it will not be that important, and converting at rendering will be good enought without any loss. But for say HQ music (videoclip) i do it myself as explained

My advice on your last question bout recording; use 48khz as that is the new standard (in music and video, in software and hardware). 44.1 is becomming old.


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