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Timeline window & clip monitor window interleaving

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New to Kdenlive, I am tryring to apply a worflow i am used to with some other editors (pinnacle, da vinci):
- I select the right zone of every wanted clip using the clip monitor -> OK with Kdenlive
- I insert the set of ajusted clips in the timeline window -> OK with Kdenlive
- What i don’t know if possible (i have not found the how to) is : based on the total duration of the project in the timeline, I come back to some of the clips in order to readjust some lengths, doing :
- clicking a clip on the timeline makes it showing it up on the clip monitor
- readjusting the in/out points in the clip monitor also affects the clip length in the timeline

I have noticed that adjusting a clip is possible in the timeline window:
- dragging its left or right edge
- using the clip duration dialog
but for me with very low control on the « what is the best way to resize the clip » as in the opposite fully provided trough the clip monitor where you can see the whole clip and can adjust the in/out points in consequence.

Any tips to activate or to come close to this feature ?

Loving Kdenlive by the way. Congrats to the community for their efforts.


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