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Multicam was working, now is not - help?

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Hope someone can help, and hope I'm just missing something stupid and easy....

I was running Ubuntu Studio version 20.04, and using the Appimage version of Kdenlive 21.12.1. Multicam worked great; I added two different video files of a live music event, synchronized the audio, selected the Multicam tool and started editing. Using the number keys, I was able to select camera one or cam 2, and Kdenlive would cut the clips as neat as you please.

After a recent hardware issue, I reinstalled Ubuntu Studio and am currently using 22.04, which came with Kdenlive 21.12.3. I started another multicam project, but now following the previous steps (import clips, sync audio, start cutting) the multicam tool does not cut; it puts up a purple marker that says "multicam in" at whatever playhead position I am currently at when I try to designate a cut. I also get a message popping up at the lower right that says "Please activate a track for this operation by clicking on it's label".

I tried to use the previous appimage version 21.12.1, and I'm getting the same issue. So is there something about Ubuntu 22.04 that interferes with this function, or am I missing some lib file or something that was installed in my previous OS that I need to track down and reinstall?

Any help appreciated - this tool made my workflow exponentially faster, and I'd hate to go back to my previous more manual method of multicam editing.

Registered Member
We found a bug lately. Can you test with the daily build if the mulitcam is still not working under Ubuntu Studio 22.04? ... e-centos7/


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