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A tribute to "The Cure".

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A tribute to "The Cure".

Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:26 pm

I take much interest in video montage for a long time. The main reason of that is that I'm a melomaniac, who wants to do something more than just listening to the songs of favourite bands. When I began to open up Ubuntu, it was interesting for me to do some video work there and my choice was for Kdenlive because of its possibilities and easy interface.

So I want to show you my 13th work, which is dedicated to one of my favourite bands "The Cure". This is videomontage of many of their videoclips and it's called "Exploit, Inspire, Encourage (Video Megamix by Siberia)":

If you have some troubles with being allowed to watch the video, come here:

I'm waiting for your comments. Your opinion is very interesting for me. 8)


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