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Kdenlive ROCKS!!!!!!

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Kdenlive ROCKS!!!!!!

Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:20 pm
I have been using Ubuntu 14.04 for 1 year and 4 months so far. I can gladly say I am done with Windows.
I am in the process of completing an album and thought of doing a video for one of the songs.
I first tried OpenShot but found it a little buggy and not that powerful. I then moved to Blender but just couldn't get the "ease of use" as OpenShot.

Then I found Kdenlive.
I am experienced using Adobe Premiere and Sony Vegas so the Kdenlive GUI just became natural.
I did not have to go through any faq's or instructions to use it.
Granted that the video I put together only uses clips, cropping and a title screen, I was able to put this together in less than 8 hours with no experience on Kdenlive.
Awesome job devs!!!!!!!!!


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