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I have a process for my videos now, but can I improve?

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Bruce Chastain
Registered Member
So I've been making videos with Kdenlive for probably over a year now. I'm sort of the type of user who just does what works. Anyway I'd like you to take a look at this video, or part of it and let me know if you have any suggestions on how I use Kdenlive to improve the final product.


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ok, a few tips:
Not a hard and fast rule, but the shorter and more interesting your video, the more people will watch it. Yes, it takes more time for you to edit it, but you are saving the viewer time and they will appreciate it. If you can make it more relevant for the viewer, and cut out anything unnecessary, more people will stick with the video through to the end, rate it well and/or recommend it to others.
I think that you could easily tell the story you told in 14 minutes within 5 minutes, with some more time spent on editing.

Think about detail shots of the things that you are talking about that you could cut in over the shots of you talking. Then when you have this visual cover, you can take the opportunity to cut out unnecessary words, sentences etc.

Lighting: try to keep your subject either completely in the sun or completely in the shade, where possible - not a combination of the two. Look out for camera and tripod shadows entering the shot, and think about using a reflector of some kind to bounce light (this doesn't need to be a professional reflector, you can use a sheet of styrofoam.)

I see from the shadow and the lens distortion that you're using something like a GoPro - if you want, you can correct the fisheye effect a little using Effects>Distort>Lens Correction.

But the best advice is simple: keep going! try to learn a new technique with each video, and have a hunt around the web to try to find the best videos of this type that you can. Analyse what they are doing, how they are saving time with their edits, what shot angles they're using, how they are using titles etc.
Free Culture videos made with Free/Libre/Open Source Software about Open Hardware, Open Data, Open Everything
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When it comes to video running length, my YouTube channel statistics tell me that the average attention span of the audience is ... 1:11. Yes, that's 71 seconds. Almost regardless of the specific video. Well, I have to admit that so far I never managed to cut my own footage to this mark, though. >:D So let us all have a good laugh...
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sammuirhead is right, you should cut more, stabilize and defish ;)


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