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Parkour video with nice transitions

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Parkour video with nice transitions

Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:54 am
Hello !

I recently edited a video for my parkour association. The editing consisted of smooth transitions (zooms/slides mainly, a few overlays, lower thirds for the interviews, and more. Transitions-wise, I am especially proud of the part between 1:12 and 1:46.

All in all, I am very happy with it, and i'd love to hear comments on it ! Here is better than on youtube since the channel it is posted on isn't mine.

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Congratulations ;D

The first transition (Logo) made my jaw drop, I'm really impressed with how you made it :o so clean.

I am especially proud of the part between 1:12 and 1:46

You should be ;) Those transitions are very smooth and seamless also love that light leak, did you make that inside of kdenlive?

You did a great job with the beginners, they are a bit slow ( 1:07 ) and you make a speed ramp to keep the felling, that's really nice.
I stopped a feel times on ( 1:52 ) to see whats happen on that transitions, that's also really cool ^-^
I loved the speed management at the end it make me feels like in a maze and it sells the parkour idea where the buildings are the maze.

Now... I gonna be that guy >:D because you do have a lot of potential and I would like to have this feedback from my videos but nobody says nothing, and we need this to grow up. 8)
Sometimes the cut is not in the action and this causes the audience to lose the feeling of movement like on ( 0:07 ) preparing to jump and ( 2:25 ) preparing to rolling.

Sometimes the camera man cannot capture the best moments but we can fix his job at post like here where the athlete make a really good and advanced movement but the camera did not capture that as good as it should.
We can try to fix it ( if we have material to ), because I know we cannot always stretch a clip without lose quality:


Same for the interviewee:


You have many positives and some negatives but the main point is that, you are proving that you can do something nice and complete using kdenlive.
Good job ^-^


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