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Problems with kdenlive built with KDE4 libraries on system with KDE 3.5.7

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I have built the latest SVN version of Kdenlive 0.7.1 on my computer. I'm using Slackware with KDE 3.5.7 and Qt 3.3.8. Kdenlive, the KDE 4.1.2-libraries and QT 4.4.3 are installed in my home directory. I have no problems to build kdenlive and everything works (icons,capture, effects and rendering), but there are some problems when I use it and I wonder if its possible to solve them.

The problems are:

1. When opening the file chooser for loading a clip or projekt, the file chooser is empty, only error dialogs with "Could not find mime type application/octet-stream? comes up, but I can load files by writing the path and click load. The strange is, that the file chooser in the Render dialog works correctly.

2. Kdenlive always crashes if I try to drag an effect from the effect list to a clip, but not if I rightclick on the clip and selects an effect.

3. Kdenlive always crashes if I add an effect, removes it and then tries to add an effect to the clip again or to another clip. I can't add an effect after another without crashing.

4. Kdenlive always crashes if I rigthclick on a clip and add an effect without selecting the clip first.

It doesn't matter if it is an audio or video effect, but adding transitions is not a problem.

Is there anything to do?



Here is console output when starting kdenlive and clicked load clip (empty file chooser), then file chooser in render dialog (all files in folder showing), then adding effect-removing effect-adding same effect and then crash if it is to any help.

janne@zorro:~$ /home/janne/program/kdenlive/bin/kdenlive_start

Way to run = Normal

running kdenlive --mlt-path /home/janne/program/kdenlive

kdenlive(4622) MainWindow::parseProfiles: RESULTINGÂ MLT PATH:  "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/share/mlt/profiles/"

kdenlive(4622) initEffects::parseEffectFiles: //  INIT EFFECT SEARCH

kdenlive(4622) Render::Render: //////////  USINGÂ PROFILE:  dv_pal

kdenlive(4622) Monitor::Monitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:  52429089

kdenlive(4622) Render::Render: //////////  USINGÂ PROFILE:  dv_pal

kdenlive(4622) Monitor::Monitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:  52429195

kdenlive(4622) RecMonitor::RecMonitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:  52429242

QStatusBar::insertPermanentWidget: Index out of range (5), appending widget

QStatusBar::insertPermanentWidget: Index out of range (7), appending widget

kdenlive(4622) MainWindow::loadPlugins: // PARSING FIOLER:  "/home/janne/program/kde4/lib/kde4/"

kdenlive(4622) MainWindow::loadPlugins: // PARSING FIOLER:  "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/lib/kde4/"

kdenlive(4622) MainWindow::loadPlugins: // FOUND PLUGIN:  "" =  "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/lib/kde4/"

kdenlive(4622) MainWindow::addToMenu: // ADD to MENU ("Countdown", "Noise")

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::convertDocument: Opening a document with version  0.81

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::setProfilePath: KDEnnlive document, init timecode from path:  "dv_pal" ,   25

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "1"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "2"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "3"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "4"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "5"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "6"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "7"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "8"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: // NLIVE PROD:  "10"

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: Reading file:  "/home/janne/kdenlive/test.kdenlive" , found clips:  12

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::KdenliveDoc: KDEnnlive document, init timecode:  25

kdenlive(4622) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  4 , DURATION:  0

kdenlive(4622) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  3 , DURATION:  9012

kdenlive(4622) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  2 , DURATION:  0

kdenlive(4622) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  1 , DURATION:  8375

kdenlive(4622) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  0 , DURATION:  8007

kdenlive(4622) TrackView::parseDocument: ///////////  TOTAL PROJECT DURATION:  9012

kdenlive(4622) Render::setSceneList: // NEW SCENE LIST DURATION SET TO:  9012

kdenlive(4622) MainWindow::connectDocument: ///////////////////   CONNECTINGÂ DOC TOÂ PROJECTÂ VIEW ////////////////

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOPPED:  "project"

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP2-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP3-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  STARTING MONITOR:  "clip"

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "clip"  WAS STOPPED

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "clip"  REFRESH

kdenlive(4622) Render::resetProfile: reset to same profile, nothing to do

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOPPED:  "clip"

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP2-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP3-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  STARTING MONITOR:  "project"

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "project"  WAS STOPPED

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "project"  REFRESH

kdenlive(4622) Render::resetProfile: reset to same profile, nothing to do

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) KThumb::getAudioThumbs: reading audio thumbs from file

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOPPED:  "project"

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP2-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP3-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  STARTING MONITOR:  "clip"

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "clip"  WAS STOPPED

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "clip"  REFRESH

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOPPED:  "clip"

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP2-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP3-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  STARTING MONITOR:  "project"

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "project"  WAS STOPPED

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "project"  REFRESH

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOPPED:  "project"

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP2-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP3-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  STARTING MONITOR:  "clip"

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "clip"  WAS STOPPED

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "clip"  REFRESH

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOPPED:  "clip"

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP2-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::stop: /////////////   RENDER STOP3-------

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  STARTING MONITOR:  "project"

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "project"  WAS STOPPED

kdenlive(4622) Render::start: -----  MONITOR:  "project"  REFRESH

kdenlive(4622)/kdecore (KLibLoader) findLibraryInternal: plugins should not have a 'lib' prefix: ""

kdenlive(4622)/kdecore (KLibLoader) KPluginLoader::load: The plugin "libkfilemodule" doesn't contain a kde_plugin_verification_data structure

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::KDirWatchPrivate: Available methods:  ("Stat", "FAM", "INotify")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added File "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/share//user-places.xbel" NotExisting for "" ["KDirWatch-1"]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added Dir "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/share" for "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/share//user-places.xbel" [""]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: inotify successfully used for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (bookmarks) KBookmarkManager::KBookmarkManager: starting KDirWatch for  "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/share//user-places.xbel"

kdenlive(4622)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from  "/var/tmp/kdecache-janne/ksycoca4"

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Listing directory: KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing  "/home/janne/program/kde4/share/mime/magic"

kdenlive(4622) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing  "/home/janne/program/kdenlive/share/mime/magic"

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirModel) KDirModel::rowCount: rowCount for  KUrl("") :  0

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Listing directory: KUrl("file:///home/janne/musik/mp3")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added Dir "/home/janne/musik/mp3" for "" ["KDirWatch-2"]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: inotify successfully used for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Entry currently being listed: KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::stopLister: stopping lister KDirLister(0xa5aa3b8) "trash:/"

kdenlive(4622)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "trash" for KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on  "local:/tmp/ksocket-janne/kdenlivebr4622.slave-socket"

kdenlive(4622)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "file" for KUrl("file:///home/janne/musik/mp3")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on  "local:/tmp/ksocket-janne/kdenliveLP4622.slave-socket"

kdenlive(4622)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::slotReceivedId: 0

kdenlive(4622)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::close: 0

kdenlive(4622)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::slotReceivedId: 0

kdenlive(4622)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::~KNotification: -2

kdenlive(4622)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::close: 0

kdenlive(4622)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::~KNotification: -2

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::slotResult: finished listing KUrl("file:///home/janne/musik/mp3")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::slotResult: finished listing KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::forgetDirs: KDirLister(0xa55c9f0)  item moved into cache:  KUrl("file:///home/janne/musik/mp3")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::forgetDirs: KDirLister(0xa515338)  item moved into cache:  KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Entry in cache: KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Entry already in use: KUrl("trash:/")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::stopLister: stopping lister KDirLister(0xa54bc48) "trash:/"

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KIOJob) KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch: error  111   "/home/janne/untitled.m2t"

kdenlive(4622) KFileItem::isDir: can't say -> false

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirModel) KDirModel::rowCount: rowCount for  KUrl("") :  0

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Listing directory: KUrl("file:///home/janne")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added Dir "/home/janne" for "" ["KDirWatch-2"]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: inotify successfully used for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirModel) KDirModelPrivate::_k_slotNewItems: 28 in KUrl("file:///home/janne") index= "[invalid index, i.e. root]" newRowCount= 28

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirModel) KDirModel::rowCount: rowCount for  KUrl("file:///home/janne") :  0

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::slotResult: finished listing KUrl("file:///home/janne")

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added File "/etc/samba/smb.conf" for "" ["KDirWatch-2"]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: inotify successfully used for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added File "/etc/security/fileshare.conf" for "" ["KDirWatch-2"]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: inotify successfully used for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added File "/etc/exports" for "" ["KDirWatch-2"]

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: trying to use inotify for monitoring

kdenlive(4622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::useINotify: inotify successfully used for monitoring

kdenlive(4622) EffectStackEdit::transferParamDesc: in

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::slotAutoSave: // AUTOSAVE FILE:  "/home/janne/.kde/data/stalefiles/kdenlive/test.kdenlive47Lfile_%2Fhome%2Fjanne%2FkdenliveBpotq47L"

kdenlive(4622) CustomTrackView::slotAddEffect: // REQUESTING EFFECT ONÂ CLIP:  0 , TRK:  -1 SELECTED ITEMS:  1

kdenlive(4622) AddEffectCommand::redo: ----  redoing action

kdenlive(4622) Render::mltAddEffect:  / / INSERTING EFFECT:  "greyscale"

kdenlive(4622) EffectStackEdit::transferParamDesc: in

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::slotAutoSave: // AUTOSAVE FILE:  "/home/janne/.kde/data/stalefiles/kdenlive/test.kdenlive47Lfile_%2Fhome%2Fjanne%2FkdenliveBpotq47L"

kdenlive(4622) AddEffectCommand::redo: ----  redoing action

kdenlive(4622) Render::mltRemoveEffect: // TRYing to remove effect at:  "1"

kdenlive(4622) Render::mltRemoveEffect:  / / / DLEETED EFFECT:  0

kdenlive(4622) EffectStackEdit::transferParamDesc: in

kdenlive(4622) KdenliveDoc::slotAutoSave: // AUTOSAVE FILE:  "/home/janne/.kde/data/stalefiles/kdenlive/test.kdenlive47Lfile_%2Fhome%2Fjanne%2FkdenliveBpotq47L"

kdenlive(4622) CustomTrackView::slotAddEffect: // REQUESTING EFFECT ONÂ CLIP:  0 , TRK:  -1 SELECTED ITEMS:  1

kdenlive(4622) AddEffectCommand::redo: ----  redoing action

kdenlive(4622) Render::mltAddEffect:  / / INSERTING EFFECT:  "greyscale"

kdenlive(4622) EffectStackEdit::transferParamDesc: in

QPainterPath::arcTo: Adding arc where a parameter is NaN, results are undefined

QPainterPath::arcTo: Adding arc where a parameter is NaN, results are undefined

QPainterPath::arcTo: Adding arc where a parameter is NaN, results are undefined

QPainterPath::arcTo: Adding arc where a parameter is NaN, results are undefined

KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2

KCrash: Application Name = kdenlive path = <unknown> pid = 4622



Registered Member
If you have issues with latest svn, please try running the configuration wizard (setup menu). If it still fails, you may want to try and compile using the builder wizard. If it fails to run, please create an issue at and attach the gdb report there.


Registered Member

Thanks for the answer, but I have solved my problems by reinstalling Slackware and upgrade to KDE 4.2.1. After that I compiled and installed Kdenlive and its dependencies and now my problems are gone.




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