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how can I get the kdenlive-dark-theme on a machine with ubuntu/unity? This was ask for some times, but I've not found a clearly explanation, or confirmed solution. Regards.. |
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an easy way to get a black theme or other colors:
1. download from bluefear script file:///home/felmar/Scrivania/bleufear.colorr. colors 2. in home./kde/share/apps/create the folder color-schemas 3. unzip the file and paste in color-schemas bluefear. colors 4. the new theme is now selectable via settings-themes . Sorry for my English (originale) un modo semplice per ottenere un tema nero oppure di altri colori: 1. scaricare dal sito file:///home/felmar/Scrivania/bleufear.colorr lo script bluefear.colors 2. in home ./kde/share/apps/ creare la cartella color-schemas 3. decomprimere il file e incollare nella cartella color-schemas il file bluefear.colors 4. il nuovo tema è ora selezionabile da settings - temi. Scusate il mio inglese... |
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Hi unclefelix,
Thank you for your description. But I cannot find the respective file. 1. download from bluefear script file:///home/felmar/Scrivania/bleufear.colorr. colors Could you be so kind as to discribe it for some one like me who is absolutely new. I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and have no access to kde. Thank you for your support Best Peter |
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Sono mortificato, ![]() Scusatemi!!! Per rimediare ecco il link esatto dove scaricare il file.colors: https://gist.github.com/maxfierke/5233931 Per farmi perdonare ecco anche 2 semplici files di prova, che funzionano ma sopratutto possono essere usati -sostituendo i valori- per personalizzare i colori del tema. Scusatemi ancora Scusate il mio inglese... uso un traduttore automatico.... Am mortified, ![]() Excuse Me!?! To remedy here is the exact link where to download the file.colors : https://gist.github.com/maxfierke/5233931 Forgive me here are 2 simple test files, which work but especially can be used-by replacing the values-to customize the colors of the theme.Excuse me again Sorry my English ... I use a translator automatic .... -- file 1 ---- grigio-gray.colors [General] ColorScheme=grigio-gray Name=grigio-gray shadeSortColumn=true [KDE] contrast=0 [ColorEffects:Enabled] Color=#000000 [Colors:Button] # --- SELETTORE TRACCIA --- quadretto ROSSO BackgroundAlternate=#A6928E BackgroundNormal=#C6422C # TRACCE ------- [Colors:View] # ------ BARRA SELETTORE progetto time line -- OK DecorationFocus=#5DED60 # ------ TRACCIA = Video 1 ------------------- OK ForegroundActive=#AA9A93 # ------Tracce audio ---------------------------- OK DecorationHover=#1A5388 BackgroundAlternate=#999999 # ---TRACCE VIDEO 2-3-ETC e FINESTRA DI PROGETTO (GRIGIO=#A6ABB5) --OK BackgroundNormal=#A6ABB5 [Colors:Window] # ---- SFONDO SCHERMO (COLORE DEL TEMA)-----OK BackgroundNormal=#D2D2D2 # ---- ICONE BARRA DI STATO --GIALLO ORO=#FFFF00-------------------OK ForegroundLink=#F2F526 # TESTO ------ ForegroundNormal=#000000 --- file2 ---- pazzo-crazy.colors [General] ColorScheme=pazzo-crazy Name=pazzo-crazy shadeSortColumn=true [KDE] contrast=0 [ColorEffects:Enabled] Color=0,0,0 [Colors:Button] BackgroundNormal=66,65,64 BackgroundNormal=#EDE612 [Colors:View] BackgroundAlternate=#C0AAAA BackgroundNormal=#DBE038 DecorationFocus=#23E179 ForegroundActive=#665858 [Colors:Window] BackgroundNormal=#2BAABE ForegroundLink=#CDF123 |
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