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Render produces empty file immediately, no errors

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Registered Member
I've seen a number of reports of this issue, but none of the fixes seem to work for me.

I am running a completely fresh kubuntu install (16.04), with all updates applied. When I try to render a video, I see that it completes immediately, but the files that are produced are tiny (empty/broken). This occurs no matter what output format I select.

I then tried to update to the latest version of melt and kdenlive from the kdenlive-stable, and then the kdenlive-master PPAs. Same results.

I generated a script:
Code: Select all
#! /bin/sh


PARAMETERS_0="-pid:31481 $MELT atsc_1080p_2997 avformat - $SOURCE_0 $TARGET_0 properties=x264-medium f=mp4 vcodec=libx264 acodec=aac g=120 crf=23 ab=160k preset=faster threads=1 real_time=-1"

When I ran it, I got the same results: It said that it completed immediately, no errors displayed in the GUI, file is tiny. This is what the commandline shows:

Code: Select all
//STARTING RENDERING:  false , false , "/usr/bin/melt" , "atsc_1080p_2997" , "avformat" , "-" , "/home/jeff/kdenlive/scripts/" , "/home/jeff/kdenlive/untitled.mp4" , () , ("properties=x264-medium", "f=mp4", "vcodec=libx264", "acodec=aac", "g=120", "crf=23", "ab=160k", "preset=faster", "threads=1", "real_time=-1") , -1 , -1

I am running kdenlive from a commandline as well. I see some suspicious errors there:

Code: Select all
//STARTING RENDERING:  true , false , "/usr/bin/melt" , "atsc_1080p_2997" , "avformat" , "-" , "/tmp/kdenlive_rendering_l31481.mlt.mlt" , "/home/jeff/kdenlive/untitled.mp4" , () , ("properties=x264-medium", "f=mp4", "vcodec=libx264", "acodec=aac", "g=120", "crf=23", "ab=160k", "preset=faster", "threads=1", "real_time=-1") , -1 , -1
Skipped method "slotGotProgressInfo" : Type not registered with QtDBus in parameter list: MessageType
Skipped method "slotTimelineClipSelected" : Pointers are not supported: ClipItem*
Skipped method "slotTimelineClipSelected" : Pointers are not supported: ClipItem*
Skipped method "slotTimelineClipSelected" : Pointers are not supported: ClipItem*
Unsupported return type 65 QPixmap in method "grab"
Unsupported return type 65 QPixmap in method "grab"

Any suggestions on where else I can look? Thanks.
Registered Member
I figured out my problem. It's embarrassing, but I'll post it to save some time for everyone else that tries to Google for this later.

I gave up on kdenlive and installed openshot. I tried to export the video file and it happily told me that I didn't have any videos in my timeline. And then it dawned on me. I hadn't put any videos into the timeline in kdenlive, either. I loaded the clip, applied filters, previewed it, and then tried to render it. kdenlive didn't warn me like openshot did. It happily rendered my completely-empty timeline.

In summary - if you want to render a video, you need to actually put some clips into the timeline for it to render. Kdelive isn't idiot proof, and today I'm the idiot :-)

Once I did it properly, however, it works great!
Registered Member
Se7enLC wrote:I figured out my problem. It's embarrassing, but I'll post it to save some time for everyone else that tries to Google for this later.

I gave up on kdenlive and installed openshot. I tried to export the video file and it happily told me that I didn't have any videos in my timeline. And then it dawned on me. I hadn't put any videos into the timeline in kdenlive, either. I loaded the clip, applied filters, previewed it, and then tried to render it. kdenlive didn't warn me like openshot did. It happily rendered my completely-empty timeline.

In summary - if you want to render a video, you need to actually put some clips into the timeline for it to render. Kdelive isn't idiot proof, and today I'm the idiot :-)

Once I did it properly, however, it works great!

Thank-you for this. I have been frustrated by kdenlive with this same problem - all the while thinking it a distro fault - and now I know better. Oh my blushes! This is my first experience with a video-editor so perhaps I may be forgiven. Thank-you for your help!


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