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Latest stable version to download

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Enzo Gianvittorio
Registered Member

Latest stable version to download

Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:49 am
I wonder if is possible adding a more visible area (even from the home page) where users can see the most stable version able to be downloaded, this way users can know in advance and straightaway if needing to download a newer version than the one already installed (at the moment, I can know if is a newer version only after downloading it from the download links ..)
- here a visual example of what I am trying to suggest.. (oops sorry, I don't know how to upload an image to this post so I have uploaded the image temporarely in a facebook group (here the link:) ... e=5BC430EE

as you can see, it could be a simple strip (or any other option you might prefer) and when user click on it could take to the standard download options page:

Hope it makes sense,
regards and many thanks.


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