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Can't access the file picker dialogue using the Snap package

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Hello! I installed Kdenlive as a snap, but when I open it I can't use the "Open..." or "Save as..." actions. I can drag and drop files and otherwise use the program normally.
Here is the log, after trying to use the "Save as..." dialogue:
Here is my system info:
Here is my snap version:
Code: Select all
draconicrose  ~  snap version                                               
snap       2.43.3
snapd      2.43.3
series     16
linuxmint  19.3
kernel     5.3.0-42-generic

Here is my snap list:
Code: Select all
draconicrose  ~  snap list                                                   
Name                             Version   Rev   Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core18                           20200124  1668  stable    canonical✓  base
kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-14-core18  5.67.0    3     stable    kde✓        -
kdenlive                         19.12.3   23    stable    kde✓        -
snapd                            2.43.3    6434  stable    canonical✓  snapd

Let me know if any more info is needed.
Registered Member
draconicrose wrote:Hello! I installed Kdenlive as a snap, but when I open it I can't use the "Open..." or "Save as..." actions. I can drag and drop files and otherwise use the program normally.
Here is the log, after trying to use the "Save as..." dialogue:
Here is my system info:
Here is my snap version:
Code: Select all
draconicrose  ~  snap version                                               
snap       2.43.3
snapd      2.43.3
series     16
linuxmint  19.3
kernel     5.3.0-42-generic

Here is my snap list:
Code: Select all
draconicrose  ~  snap list                                                   
Name                             Version   Rev   Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core18                           20200124  1668  stable    canonical✓  base
kde-frameworks-5-qt-5-14-core18  5.67.0    3     stable    kde✓        -
kdenlive                         19.12.3   23    stable    kde✓        -
snapd                            2.43.3    6434  stable    canonical✓  snapd

Let me know if any more info is needed.

The same is happening to me, although I am running it via Flatpak. Drag and drop the video files is the only way to get them in. When I installed via PPA I got a super old version of Kdenlive so I went the Flatpak route.


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