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Effect bin is not displaying (19.12.3)

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Registered Member
Hi team,

I just upgraded my ubuntu to 20.04, and so kdenlive.

I create new project, import new media in the project bin, drag & drop it to the timeline, go to effects and add an effects, and there surprise no toolbox showing the effectbin !
N°3 on the screenshot does not show on my computer :

Screenshot :

I am very familiar with kdenlive (using for 6+ years) but after 20min struggling on this i thought this might be a bug or issue.
Anyone can help ?

Thank you

Logs when starting kdenlive :
$ kdenlive
"resample" is blacklisted
"rgblut" is blacklisted
"spot_remover" is blacklisted
"text" is blacklisted
"timer" is blacklisted
"gtkrescale" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "audiochannels"
WARNING : Fails to parse "audioconvert"
WARNING : Fails to parse "data_feed"
"data_show" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "imageconvert"
"mask_apply" is blacklisted
"mask_start" is blacklisted
"mono" is blacklisted
"region" is blacklisted
"resize" is blacklisted
"transition" is blacklisted
"watermark" is blacklisted
"videostab" is blacklisted
"videostab2" is blacklisted
"burningtv" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "telecide"
"motion_est" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "crop_detect"
WARNING : Fails to parse "avcolour_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse "avcolor_space"
WARNING : Fails to parse "avdeinterlace"
WARNING : Fails to parse "swscale"
"avfilter.abench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.acompressor" is blacklisted
"avfilter.adelay" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aecho" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aemphasis" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aeval" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afftfilt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.agate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ametadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.arealtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ashowinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.channelmap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chorus" is blacklisted
"avfilter.earwax" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volume" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volumedetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.****" is blacklisted
"avfilter.atadenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.avgblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackframe" is blacklisted
"avfilter.boxblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bwdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chromakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorkey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colormatrix" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorspace" is blacklisted
"avfilter.convolution" is blacklisted
"avfilter.crop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.cropdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.curves" is blacklisted
"avfilter.datascope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.dctdnoiz" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deband" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deflate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deshake" is blacklisted
"avfilter.despill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.doubleweave" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgraph" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgrid" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawtext" is blacklisted
"avfilter.elbg" is blacklisted
"avfilter.eq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.field" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldhint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldorder" is blacklisted
"avfilter.find_rect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.floodfill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fspp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.gblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.geq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqdn3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqx" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hue" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hwdownload" is blacklisted
"avfilter.idet" is blacklisted
"" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lenscorrection" is blacklisted
"avfilter.loop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lumakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lut" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutrgb" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutyuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.mcdeint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.metadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.negate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nlmeans" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nnedi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.owdenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pad" is blacklisted
"avfilter.perspective" is blacklisted
"avfilter.phase" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pixscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp7" is blacklisted
"avfilter.prewitt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.realtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removegrain" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removelogo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.roberts" is blacklisted
"avfilter.rotate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.scale_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.showinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.shuffleframes" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sidedata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.signalstats" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sobel" is blacklisted
"avfilter.stereo3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.super2xsai" is blacklisted
"avfilter.swapuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tblend" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tlut2" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tonemap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.transpose" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vectorscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vignette" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vmafmotion" is blacklisted
"avfilter.w3fdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.xbr" is blacklisted
"avfilter.yadif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zmq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zoompan" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "swresample"
WARNING : Fails to parse "deinterlace"
"qtext" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "jack"
"jackrack" is blacklisted
WARNING : Fails to parse "glsl.manager"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.convert"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.crop"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.resample"
WARNING : Fails to parse "movit.resize"
"frei0r.3dflippo" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bluescreen0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bw0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.gamma" is blacklisted
"frei0r.invert0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.rgbsplit0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.transparency" is blacklisted
"frei0r.vertigo" is blacklisted
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.acompressor"
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.aecho"
++++++ Unknown asset : "avfilter.agate"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.alpha0ps" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.balanc0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.curves" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_curves.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.facebl0r"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.facedetect"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.levels" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_levels.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.lightgraffiti" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.select0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.sopsat" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset : "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset : "movit.unsharp_mask"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "qtblend" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/qtblend.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset : "region"
++++++ Unknown asset : "timewarp"
++++++ Unknown asset : "opencv.tracker"
"frei0r.alphainjection" is blacklisted
"frei0r.blend" is blacklisted
"frei0r.composition" is blacklisted
"frei0r.xfade0r" is blacklisted
defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.audiosource"
org.kde.kcoreaddons: Could not lock file: "/home/florian/.local/share/stalefiles/kdenlive/_untitled.kdenliveATzfile_%2Fhome%2Fflorian%2FVideosNUA0oATz"
org.kde.kcoreaddons: Could not lock file: "/home/florian/.local/share/stalefiles/kdenlive/_untitled.kdenliveATzfile_%2Fhome%2Fflorian%2FVideosNUA0oATz"
Loading bin playlist...
Trying to construct 5 tracks.
SUSPICIOUS: we weren't expecting a producer when parsing the timeline
Registered Member
When simply clicking on any effect i get the following in my terminal :

qrc:/qml/assetList.qml:230:27: QML Rectangle: grabToImage: item's window is not visible
qml: [kdenlive/effect]

Maybe it's related. I google it, no luck so far.

Thanks !
Registered Member
I've switched to the appimage version, no issue there.


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