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Enable blacklisted effects

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Registered Member

Enable blacklisted effects

Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:39 pm
Hi there,
I'm running kdenlive 19.12.3 on Linux Mint 20 (Cinnamon, x64) and noticed that a lot of the effects mentioned in the documentation / wiki seem to be 'missing' in my installation. Example: I don't have any crop and transform effects, and I need those.
Upon digging deeper, I've learnt that these effects have been 'removed' from kdenlive (why?) and are blacklisted via text file so they won't be loaded together with the software.
The only thing I cannot figure out is how to 'unblacklist' these effects so that I will be able to use them. For starters, I'd be grateful if someone could point me to said text file because I cannot find it anywhere on my system.
Best wishes
Registered Member

Re: Enable blacklisted effects

Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:02 pm
Bump? ;)
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Registered Member

Re: Enable blacklisted effects

Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:34 pm
The list is very likely to keep the blacklisted items from being compiled, so the only way to enable them is to compile the code yourself after editing that file, which resides in the source code download, not a user setting

claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001
Registered Member

Re: Enable blacklisted effects

Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:03 am
Thanks for the hint! I'll try the 'compiling yourself' route.
For anyone unwilling or unable to do that: There's an AppImage of kdenlive v18.12 that still has all the effects. I'm running this until I get to the compiling solution.

What I still do not understand is why the devs would castrate their app to this degree and remove so many effects. What's the reasoning behind this? Do those effects have performance or stability issues?
KDE Developer

Re: Enable blacklisted effects

Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:37 am

1st of all, did you install frei0r-plugins package? It is only recommended on debian derivatives, not a hard dependency, but without it you certainly lack many base effects. It ships the "Crop Scale and Tilt" effect that you seem to miss.

The blacklisted_effects.txt is unfortunately not available to play with as it is bundled into Qt ressource file for easier deployment (AppImage, Windows etc). So one needs to recompile to change it.

The effects we blacklisted are probably there for good reasons (all effects for which we declare an ui through XML description file are blacklisted to avoid a broken duplicate, and also we filtered out those that crashed or didn't work, to avoid confusion; avfilter also add bunch of duplicate effects, and often we don't handle them properly).

Transform (qtblend) integrates many functions. Crop can be achieved by seve
Registered Member

Re: Enable blacklisted effects

Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:38 am
Hey there vpinon,

I appreciate your suggestions, many thanks! I've checked whether frei0r-plugins is installed, which it is (v1.7.0).

Code: Select all
m-h@mh-desktop:~$ dpkg -l | grep 'frei0r'
ii  frei0r-plugins                                1.7.0-1build1                              amd64        minimalistic plugin API for video effects, plugins collection

I've tried to make sense of the error and blacklisting messages kdenlive throws when starting it via terminal, but failed. Maybe they make more sense to you.

Code: Select all
m-h@mh-desktop:~$ kdenlive
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Using modified system locale without group separator for numbers
LC_NUMERIC reset to C
Metadata for "avcolour_space" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolour_space"
Metadata for "avcolor_space" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avcolor_space"
Metadata for "avdeinterlace" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "avdeinterlace"
Metadata for "swscale" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swscale"
"avfilter.abench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.acompressor" is blacklisted
"avfilter.adelay" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aecho" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aemphasis" is blacklisted
"avfilter.aeval" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.afftfilt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.agate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ametadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.arealtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.ashowinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.channelmap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chorus" is blacklisted
"avfilter.earwax" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volume" is blacklisted
"avfilter.volumedetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.****" is blacklisted
"avfilter.atadenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.avgblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bench" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.blackframe" is blacklisted
"avfilter.boxblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.bwdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.chromakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorkey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colormatrix" is blacklisted
"avfilter.colorspace" is blacklisted
"avfilter.convolution" is blacklisted
"avfilter.crop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.cropdetect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.curves" is blacklisted
"avfilter.datascope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.dctdnoiz" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deband" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deflate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deinterlace_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.deshake" is blacklisted
"avfilter.despill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.doubleweave" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawbox" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgraph" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawgrid" is blacklisted
"avfilter.drawtext" is blacklisted
"avfilter.elbg" is blacklisted
"avfilter.eq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fade" is blacklisted
"avfilter.field" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldhint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fieldorder" is blacklisted
"avfilter.find_rect" is blacklisted
"avfilter.floodfill" is blacklisted
"avfilter.fspp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.gblur" is blacklisted
"avfilter.geq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqdn3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hqx" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hue" is blacklisted
"avfilter.hwdownload" is blacklisted
"avfilter.idet" is blacklisted
"" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lenscorrection" is blacklisted
"avfilter.loop" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lumakey" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lut" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutrgb" is blacklisted
"avfilter.lutyuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.mcdeint" is blacklisted
"avfilter.metadata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.negate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nlmeans" is blacklisted
"avfilter.nnedi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.owdenoise" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pad" is blacklisted
"avfilter.perspective" is blacklisted
"avfilter.phase" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pixscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp" is blacklisted
"avfilter.pp7" is blacklisted
"avfilter.prewitt" is blacklisted
"avfilter.realtime" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removegrain" is blacklisted
"avfilter.removelogo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.roberts" is blacklisted
"avfilter.rotate" is blacklisted
"avfilter.scale_vaapi" is blacklisted
"avfilter.showinfo" is blacklisted
"avfilter.shuffleframes" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sidedata" is blacklisted
"avfilter.signalstats" is blacklisted
"avfilter.sobel" is blacklisted
"avfilter.stereo3d" is blacklisted
"avfilter.super2xsai" is blacklisted
"avfilter.swapuv" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tblend" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tlut2" is blacklisted
"avfilter.tonemap" is blacklisted
"avfilter.transpose" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vectorscope" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vflip" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vignette" is blacklisted
"avfilter.vmafmotion" is blacklisted
"avfilter.w3fdif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.xbr" is blacklisted
"avfilter.yadif" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zmq" is blacklisted
"avfilter.zoompan" is blacklisted
Metadata for "swresample" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "swresample"
"resample" is blacklisted
Metadata for "jack" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "jack"
"jackrack" is blacklisted
Metadata for "deinterlace" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "deinterlace"
"burningtv" is blacklisted
Metadata for "telecide" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "telecide"
Metadata for "audiochannels" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audiochannels"
Metadata for "audioconvert" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "audioconvert"
Metadata for "data_feed" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "data_feed"
"data_show" is blacklisted
Metadata for "imageconvert" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "imageconvert"
"mask_apply" is blacklisted
"mask_start" is blacklisted
"mono" is blacklisted
"region" is blacklisted
"resize" is blacklisted
"transition" is blacklisted
"watermark" is blacklisted
"rgblut" is blacklisted
"spot_remover" is blacklisted
"text" is blacklisted
"timer" is blacklisted
"frei0r.3dflippo" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bluescreen0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.bw0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.gamma" is blacklisted
"frei0r.invert0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.rgbsplit0r" is blacklisted
"frei0r.transparency" is blacklisted
"frei0r.vertigo" is blacklisted
"qtext" is blacklisted
"motion_est" is blacklisted
Invalid title/identifier for  "crop_detect"
WARNING : Fails to parse  "crop_detect"
Metadata for "glsl.manager" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "glsl.manager"
Metadata for "movit.convert" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.convert"
Metadata for "movit.crop" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.crop"
Metadata for "movit.resample" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resample"
Metadata for "movit.resize" is invalid.
WARNING : Fails to parse  "movit.resize"
"videostab" is blacklisted
"videostab2" is blacklisted
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.acompressor"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.aecho"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "avfilter.agate"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.alpha0ps" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.balanc0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.curves" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_curves.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.facebl0r"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.facedetect"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.levels" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_levels.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.lightgraffiti" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.select0r" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "frei0r.sopsat" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "frei0r.vertigo"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "movit.unsharp_mask"
Warning: duplicate custom definition of effect "qtblend" found. Only last one will be considered. Duplicate found in "/usr/share/kdenlive/effects/qtblend.xml"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "region"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "timewarp"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "opencv.tracker"
++++++ Unknown asset :  "opencv.tracker"
"frei0r.alphainjection" is blacklisted
"frei0r.blend" is blacklisted
"frei0r.composition" is blacklisted
"frei0r.xfade0r" is blacklisted
qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.audiosource"
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (effect_list/QDockWidget) Negative sizes (0,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (transition_list/QDockWidget) Negative sizes (0,-1) are not possible
LOCALE: Document uses  "."  as decimal point and  "C"  as locale
Searching for locale: Found  QLocale(Warlpiri, Latin, Australia)  with match type  1
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (effect_list/QDockWidget) Negative sizes (0,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (transition_list/QDockWidget) Negative sizes (0,-1) are not possible
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG
Loading bin playlist...
retain is valid
playlist is valid
Found  113 clips


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