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Clip and project monitor's timescales and markers missing

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My problem is the missing time scales and markers and pointers in bottom of clip and project monitoring windows.
The monitors ithemselves work, for example I can play and mark zone starts and ends (as blind) but I cant see them in the bottom part of those monitors.
There are no timescale, no pointer for current place, no marked zones, nothing. Just white background. In a screenshot that area appears like empty alpha channel checkerboard.
Fedora 37 just updated,
Gnome 43.2
KDEnlive 22.12.0 (last available in Fedora repository)
Graphics Wayland, Mesa Intel® HD Graphics 630 (KBL GT2)

They worked well in my previous setup (older OS & KDEnlive.
Registered Member
Hmm, right-click on the clip or project monitor and the select Current Monitor Overlay: Is the Monitor Info Overlay Markers checked or not?

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Thank You for your quick reply :-)

Unfortunately I have no such alternative as Current Monitor Overlay in the dropdown list.
I checked some screenshots in the web and there I see alternatives like
- ....
- set current image as thumbnail
- monitor overlay infos
- real time (drop frames)

My KDEnlive has (freely translated from finnish)
- ....
- set current image as thumbnail
- show voice thumbnails
- extra info for monitor window

and that last (extra info) gives me something like (translated again)
- monitor extra info
- monitor time code
- monitor playback speed
- monitor markings
- monitor sound wave

In some situations there is some yellow text or something in that blank area but it disappears so fast I can not read it.
Registered Member
Very weird! I just checked on my normal install (via kdenlive ppa on Pop!_OS) and I don't have what you described when I right-click anywhere on the monitor window or any other window. Are you sure about the kdenlive version? I also suggest you try the appimage for kdenlive.

As another thought: Please check this reddit thread, perhaps this can also fix the white/black space issue.

Edit: Here is a screen recording showing what options I get when right-clicking on the project monitor or clip monitor.

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OK, I tested the newest AppImage and it works OK. It is version 22.12.1 and my non-working version is 22.12.0.
Maybe there has been a bug or something 'incompatibility'.

Those weird names discussed in dropdown list are due to a bit clumsy translation to Finnish language. I changed temporarily to English and the meaning of those Finnish words used there is not exactly the same what the original English words mean.

For just fun I made some test with the problematic version.
I replaced Wayland with Xorg, no difference.
I tried also to change colour theme and colours, and 'Colours and guides', no success either.
The only difference I noticed was the appearance of that blank area in screenshots; it was transparent alpha-channel or solid color, depending on my selections.

Thank You for your help, now I'm just waiting for updated .rpm packet in F37 repository, some day...


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