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Kdenlive dont detect installed plugins

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I'm trying to install kdenlive 22.12-3, running vith MLT 7.14.
All dependencies are installed
I'm on Debian SID (12) - and using Gnome environment

When I start the program, it opens a window with arguments listed below :
In the red zone :
MLT module missing : xml ( all xml libraries are installed, and no existing melt xml package)
in the orange zone :
Missing (all MLT) frei0r-plugins (installed), AVfilter, avformat (ffmpeg installed), qimage or pixbuf (gtk-pixbuf installed), glaxnimate (not found).

I downloaded mlt 7.14 package from , because all missing modules are in that folder.
When I want install mlt by cmake, I send that command : cmake .
The config file asking me not found jack, qt5, swig but they are all installed... I don't understand

I think I need help to install MLT properly step by step, and where I must install the mlt folder because I'm lost ;-)

Thanks to anyone want help me ;)


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