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Suggestions and bugs on KDE4 and KDE4-Apps

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I have a few suggestions and bugs to report from my brief time of using KDE 4.2.4. Where can I post these so that it will come to the attention of some of its developers?

Suggestion: More information than just the IP address should be accessible from the plasmoid. Not all in plain sight, but with a more detailed view. In short, all information from ifconfig should be accessible from the plasmoid. Save time going to the console to find this information.

Bug: Listing of wired connections does not show all the ethernet ports. With more than 3 ethernets some are left out from the display list. I have 4 ethernets and the fourth one is barely showing and the list window can not be made wider.

Regarding file transfer
Suggestion: More information about the transfer of individual files in addition to overall status. When single files are large it is preferable to get status information of the file in progress as well as the overall file transfer. Perhaps two progress bars, one for the file in progress and the second for the entire file transfer operation.

Bug: It seems like when opening folders some times it takes a few seconds before the content of the folder is shown. Between these few seconds the entire dolphin freezes up.

Bug or perhaps missing feature:
Do not know if this i because of missing feature, bug or lack of configuration on my part, but when I am not root the file transfer window does not show up, but the file transfer is running in the backgruound. However an icon appears in the system tray (a blue ball), which does not give me any information nor can be clicked on to get information.

KDE Panels:
Suggestion: The ability to put two panels on the same edge. One above the other, not overlapping. This was possible with KDE 3.5.

Suggestion: When opening more tabs it would be nice to also use the same column configuration(same columns and placement) on all tabs.As it is now I have to configure the columns manually on every new tabs.

Last edited by DJViking on Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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All of these can either be placed in the Brainstorm for discussion or sent directly to the KDE Bugzilla ( ) as wishlist bugs. Please select the correct component, and ensure they have not already been filed if doing so. Please file each feature idea/request seperately using either.

KDE Sysadmin


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