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Hot spots and building sites of KDE

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flying sheep
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Hot spots and building sites of KDE

Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:17 pm
KDE is great. But below the surface are a few features missing which hinder KDE from being useable at some points.

The most prominent features missing are
  1. KOffice, that can’t “just handle” open documents created with libre office.
  2. missing annotation feature in okular (the mailing list for bug 151614 is boiling as i speak)
  3. broken HTML replies in kmail. (Bug 86423 is from 2004)

amongst the problems preventing support for the lower two are unfriendly demanding behavior in the bug comments. also there is an irrational fear that text mail will be abolished as soon as HTML mail can be used properly.

are there more hot spots? does anyone have an idea how to draw developer interest to these bugs?

PS: note that KOffice is not a core part of the kde suite and this bug isn’t as damaging as the others, since an office suite doesn’t need to be as integrated as a mail client.

Last edited by flying sheep on Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Global Moderator
The whole PIM-thing is work in progress. Give it another year (yeah, I know...).

I think bluetooth, improved as it is, could do with some polishing but above all syncing for mobile devices would be a fantastic feature.

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flying sheep
Registered Member
toad wrote:The whole PIM-thing is work in progress. Give it another year (yeah, I know...).

I think bluetooth, improved as it is, could do with some polishing but above all syncing for mobile devices would be a fantastic feature.
true! but what exactly did you mean? iDevices, android, calendar, contacts, or …?

about giving it a year: i forgot to link to the bug (fixed above now) it’s from 2004…


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