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KDEnlive not showing video from an .MTS file (normally works fine)

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I normally download the .mts files from my Canon Vixia HF11 and KDEnlive will open them directly. But this time I'm getting just sound but no picture. I tried opening some old files and they seemed to open fine. I always leave it set up in 1080p 30FPS. The Vixia breaks the video into 2GB chunks, and I think you need to load all the chunks because only the first chunk has the video information. Only the first chunk shows video thumbnails in the timeline. The sound is there, but the video is black. I also noticed KDEnlive always reports 59FPS but these are 30p. I'm wondering if this problem sounds familiar at all...

Need a fix, TIA

EDIT: Ahhh... I remembered a fix - you must "cat" all the separate chunks of the file together first - otherwise KDEnlive will only display the video of the first chunk correctly.


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