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I build ffmpeg/mlt/kdenlive from svn but today, I missing the most of the transitions. The only one I have are: "Empty one", AffineComposite, Composite, Dissolve, Side and Wipe. So, which package provide the other Transitions?
I'm using OpenSuse and reinstall ffmpeg/mlt/kdenlive from the Packman repos but it don't fix it. I removed my kdenlive and .kde4 folders but no fix. Hopefully someone can put me into the right direction because I don't know. |
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So you really only have the most useful ones. Is that a problem? In any case, all of the other ones you are missing belong to frei0r. So, something went wrong with the frei0r integration on your (re)build.
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Thanks for your answer.
I've installed frei0r-plugins and those are in: ls /usr/lib64/frei0r-1 3dflippo.so contrast0r.so invert0r.so saturat0r.so addition.so darken.so ising0r.so saturation.so alphaatop.so delay0r.so lenscorrection.so scale0tilt.so alphainjection.so difference.so letterb0xed.so scanline0r.so alphain.so distort0r.so lighten.so screen.so alphaout.so divide.so lissajous0r.so sobel.so alphaover.so dodge.so luminance.so softlight.so alphaxor.so edgeglow.so mask0mate.so squareblur.so blend.so equaliz0r.so multiply.so subtract.so brightness.so flippo.so nois0r.so tehroxx0r.so B.so gamma.so nosync0r.so threshold0r.so burn.so glow.so onecol0r.so transparency.so bw0r.so grain_extract.so overlay.so twolay0r.so cartoon.so grain_merge.so perspective.so uvmap.so cluster.so G.so pixeliz0r.so value.so colordistance.so hardlight.so rgbparade.so vectorscope.so color_only.so hueshift0r.so RGB.so water.so composition.so hue.so R.so xfade0r.so So, why is mask0mate listed in the effects list but screen is not listed in the transitions list? On my wifes laptop with opensuse 11.2 x86 with the same repos (packman) and the same frei0r/ffmpeg/mlt/kdenlive packages, all transitions all listed. I use opensuse 11.2 x64. Why are those transitions not loaded? Could the are some conflicting files? I have removed frei0r/mlt/kdenlive several times but it make no difference. Hope someone can help me. |
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When I run:
melt -query "transitions" --- transitions: - composite - luma - mix - region - affine - frei0r.addition - frei0r.alphaatop - frei0r.alphain - frei0r.alphainjection - frei0r.alphaout - frei0r.alphaover - frei0r.alphaxor - frei0r.blend - frei0r.burn - frei0r.color_only - frei0r.composition - frei0r.darken - frei0r.difference - frei0r.divide - frei0r.dodge - frei0r.grain_extract - frei0r.grain_merge - frei0r.hardlight - frei0r.hue - frei0r.lighten - frei0r.multiply - frei0r.overlay - frei0r.saturation - frei0r.screen - frei0r.softlight - frei0r.subtract - frei0r.uvmap - frei0r.value - frei0r.xfade0r ... So it seems they are available but not in Kdenlive. What could be wrong? |
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Hmm.. good question. Is it possible you have more than one installation of MLT, and Kdenlive sees one while melt in the PATH sees another?
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I've installed mlt from rpm and after I removed all kdenlive/mlt stuff, a find / -name "*mlt*" and find / -name "*melt*" result nothing.
I also installed opensuse 11.2 RC1 and kdenlive in Virtualbox and when I start kdenlive for the first time there are no frei0r transitions but when I close kdenlive and start it again all transitions are available. And then the stay available no matters how many times I start kdenlive within that Virtualbox session. But when I close the Virtualbox session and start it again, the same happend. But this don't work on my master system. |
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Today, I rebuild ffmpeg/mlt/kdenlive from svn again and all the transitions are back again. It is very strange and I don't know how it can but for now it works! I'm a happy user again...
Thanks for this great piece of software. |
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