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Negative film Grading

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Negative film Grading

Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:22 pm
Hi there
Fairly new to Kdenlive, not sure if it is the right place. Anyway..
Here is the situation : we developed a plugin for Cinelerra that I'd be glad to be ported to Kdenlive if a coder feels like it (I am not a coder)
What it does : gets some Tiff files in 16 bits /pixels from negative film scans and computes the reversal picture.

Here is an example on 16 mm Kodak 50 ASA

The negs are scanned as they are on a white light with the typical orange colour.
The trick is of course to get rid of this dye.

It is based on this project, itself based on ImageMagick;

It works fine for a single frame but not for a sequence of individual frames as one would do for colour correction anyway.

You can find the code for cinelerra on

At the moment it works with floating point numbers and does not have any OpenGl support.
Just my 2 cents but I think this will appeal to a lot of people even if film as a recording media is on the way down.
And even so; there is still a lot of film to be remastered.

So if someone is interested in recoding for Kdenlive, feel free to contact me for further details.


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