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Bézier curves removed, Curves doesn't offer same functions

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What is the rationale for removing the Bézier curves effect from recent Kdenlive builds without offering the same functionality for the Curves effect? There are no RGB, Hue, and Saturation tonal curves available anymore!

I want to work with Protune footage shot with GoPro HD Hero 3 cameras. Protune uses tonal curves to compress the R, G, and B channels independently of each other while filming and before writing the video frames. In Kdenlive, I thus need to reverse this compression. So far, the Bézier curves effect did the job well: RGB tonal curve correction was easy.

Now, someone decided to drop Bézier curves ... but there is no RGB tonal curve in the Curves effect! There is no Hue tonal curve either! So I'm stuck. I can't migrate my projects to the Curves effect only, as it lacks the required functionality.

What am I supposed to do? Buying Adobe or Sony software instead? As a long-time user of Kdenlive I'm now really annoyed that basic functionality is removed without reason, no project migration is offered, and users don't get told when such things are going on. Adding the problems with the defish effect or rather the parameterization problem that Kdenlive seems to have introduced, Kdenlive has become unusable for me. And then seeing no progress with respect to bug fixing (mantis) and refactoring I now severely doubt that Kdenlive is still alive. Does anybody of the Kdenlive developers still take care? I am willing to shell out money for bug fixing. But removing functionality really is annoying.

Registered Member
Hi TheDiveO,

I've never really used Bezier curves before, my cameras are a lot lower spec. than yours, but I still have the Bezier curves in my list of effects.

I'm using > kdenlive 0.9.7+git20140202.645eed7a-0ubuntu0~sunab~precise1
mlt 0.9.1+git20140207.4945fd34-0ubuntu0~sunab~precise1

Both updated recently.
Hope that might be of some help to you.
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I too have both Bezier curves and curves.
Both are interfaces to ... 0r-curves| frei0r.curves

So I don't think anyone has removed Bezier curves without telling anyone. Remain calm !!!

I have frei0r version 1.4.0+git20131020.10d8360f-0ubuntu0~sunab~precise1 and Kdenlive version 0.9.7+git20140117.5359c90f-0ubuntu0~sunab~precise1 from the sunab repository.

Sunab has later versions of kdenlive than what I have so it has been updated recently. So the project is not dead.

Do you have a frei0r_bezier_curves.xml in /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdenlive/effects ?
Registered Member
I've checked again with the most recent daily build from meltytech.

This version actually does (still) come with the Bézier curves. So the error clearly is on my side. When trying to work around the defish bug I probably was in a hurry. So I did not notice that the error messages I got when loading my working project into a recent daily build actually came from a self-made (user-defined) effect which in turn bases on the Bézier curves. After copying over the xml file for my user-defined effect into the daily config directory, Kdenlive successfully loads my existing project.

I thought I've been bitten by this issue (Kdenlive forum thread about Bézier curve missing), when in fact the error was between keyboard and chair. So please apologize my error. :<

...and in the daily the defish works better, but now exhibits another rendering bug in some scenes... :-\


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