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Jerky Pan and Zoom work around for pictures.

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I have been working on a slide show again and getting very frustrated with the jerky edges. I decided to try a few different things to make these pictures stop that jerking. It got better with a suggestion I found to not zoom too far or move too much but, the results just weren't desirable. What I did find I thought worked quite well and maybe it will aid others with the same issue and maybe ultimately contribute to a fix.

Here is what I did:

It seemed that the edges of the photo is what was causing the issue, I tried cropping, adding a black background to the photo and still it looked bad, so after a few searches on fading the edges to transparency and saving as a .png all using Gimp, I thought this might be worth a try. It was worth it, my pan and zooms look more professional and no jerky shaky edges, I would say they aren't 100% gone but barely noticeable when before it would draw your attention to it instead of the photo.

For those who want to know the flavor: KDE 15.04 KDE Plasma 5.2.2 and loving it! Very snappy and runs Kdenlive great!
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If you use an affine transition to do the pan & zoom it should be really smooth.


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