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Effect List not displaying or working with Affine effect

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Mr. Meeseeks
Registered Member
Hello, I have a wonderful conundrum for you all...

This is all in the environment of Ubuntu 14.04, Kdenlive 9.10.

While working on a project, I was adding multiple Affine effects to the timeline. It was going well, then I noticed the Effect Stack no longer showed the Affine user interface. Even the previous Affines that were properly working and saved no longer respond. I have restarted both the program and computer and have attempted to revert to a previous saved state, but do not see anything working. I have also tried adding new Affine transitions, but they still do not show the UI when highlighted.

Also, this is a slideshow.

I was going to try and perhaps upgrade everything to Ubuntu 15.xx and Kdenlive 15.xx but am unaware if this will solve the problem or if Kdenlive is even backwards compatible with 9.10. I have about 10 hrs in this edit and would like to save it if at all possible. I would prefer to complete this as is first unless someone knows something I do not. ;)

Thank you for your time and response.
Mr. Meeseeks
Registered Member
I gave in and did a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.10 and Kdenlive 15.12.
Unfortunately, Kdenlive is not loading my project from 9.10 which I saved and loaded into clips and whatnot.

I suppose I will have to start over...but hey! More practice. :)
Registered Member
Do you have project backups? What does "does not load" mean in your case? Does Kdenlive 15 abort loading with an error message? Or does it load but clips are incorrectly placed on the time line or missing? You may file a bug report with your project attached. Maybe the developers can find out to some extent what's wrong, albeit there is no guarantee that your project can be recovered.
Mr. Meeseeks
Registered Member
TheDiveO wrote:Do you have project backups? What does "does not load" mean in your case? Does Kdenlive 15 abort loading with an error message? Or does it load but clips are incorrectly placed on the time line or missing? You may file a bug report with your project attached. Maybe the developers can find out to some extent what's wrong, albeit there is no guarantee that your project can be recovered.

Great questions.

I do have the backups. I suppose it was not accurate when I said, "does not load." It loaded, but would not display properly. There was a message stating that something was missing. I accepted it, it proceeded. All of my clips were in the right place, but none of them displayed the correct content. They showed an error text in the background instead.

I did not file a bug report, but chose to just start over. I had wasted three days on this and couldn't afford to lose any more time. I am now about halfway through.

I appreciate your time, if I come across it again, I will submit a bug report.
Registered Member
Er, well ... so Kdenlive surely told you that clips could not be found? This dialog offers you to let Kdenlive search for these clips. So you probably moved your project file and clips? If you proceed without searching for clips then you'll get invalid for each clip. You still can edit and save. On next load you can search for the new location of your clips. What about taking some minutes to read the Kdenlive documentation? This would have saved you a lot of time.
Mr. Meeseeks
Registered Member
TheDiveO wrote:Er, well ... so Kdenlive surely told you that clips could not be found? This dialog offers you to let Kdenlive search for these clips. So you probably moved your project file and clips? If you proceed without searching for clips then you'll get invalid for each clip. You still can edit and save. On next load you can search for the new location of your clips. What about taking some minutes to read the Kdenlive documentation? This would have saved you a lot of time.

Wow, this was very helpful. I had forgotten that I had saved a second copy of the original for "such a time as this."
You totally reminded me when you mentioned moving the project file and clip. Thank you!
I was able to open it just fine. While I was almost done with the one I started on, I can at least compare the two and make sure I am proceeding correctly.

Thanks again!


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