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Vidstab - set accuracy to the maximum

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Vidstab - set accuracy to the maximum

Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:52 pm
Hello everybody,

I would have a question/request and hope that this is the good place to report that.

I have played with vidstab and transcode for a while and/but in kdenlive I still struggle with one parameter which make us loose a bit of the power of these tools while using in kdenlive.
The point is that, normally, the max value for accuracy should be 15, but till now, the max value which can be set (and send as parameter for the computation) is 10.
Could a kind developer change this max value to 15 please? :-)

Moreover, the accuracy value have to be equal or superior to the shakiness one.
Would it be possible to help user with this prerequisite setting up something like:
not written in code but the idea would be «accuracy_range:=shakiness .. max_accuracy»?

Can someone help me/us on that?

Thank you very much for the great job already done!


Edit: Of course, I haven't mentioned that but the accuracy is not set "from 6 to 15 either" (like if 1 in the GUI would be equivalent of 6 in term of accuracy parameter...)


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