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Normalise... Command Line?

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Normalise... Command Line?

Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:45 am
I'm producing a fair amount of "Lets Play" gaming videos. I use kdenlive for making intros and other stuff that need manual tinkering, and I use bash scripts for stuff that lends itself to be automated.

The audio correction effect "Normalise" is one of the best normalizing-tools I've used in video editing and I'd like to use it from the command line. Previusly I've been using the sox compand, but all those parameters just leaves me confused.

Is there a way to run the same "Normalise" effect that's in kdenlive, but from a bash script or from the terminal? And if possible, illustrate with the default parameters of kdenlive, like "normalise 100 1000 75 -i unprocessed-audio.flac -o processed-audio.flac"



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