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Audio playback irrespective of playhead

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I've been having weird audio issues with kdenlive, always towards the 7 minute spot of my video.

The newest problem is that the audio it is playing isn't the right spot. I start playing at 7:15 and the correct video is playing, but the audio is from 8 or 9. Then I pause it, move the playhead up about 20 or 30 seconds. Then when I hit play again, it's the correct video, but the audio picks up right from where it left off. It doesn't even change respective to the playhead. If I start earlier and go into this zone, it works fine. Only seems to be a problem when I start with the playhead in this region.

The previous video had a different issue altogether. Again at around the 7-ish minute mark I would play and the video would work fine, but the remaining audio, from the playhead to the end, would play super fast in about half a second. I only figured that out because the closer I got to the end, the faster the gibberish would be. Same thing where if I started the playback earlier it would work fine going into that region after 7 minutes. But if I started after the 7 minutes then it would gibberish.

Any clue what is going on with these?


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