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Only the first few seconds of the DVD play

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My daughter has been using Kdenlive for a school project, and to tell the

truth, I'm very impressed with it. It's been very easy to use, and hasn't

crashed once. She has completed the 3.30 short in a rough cut, and at that

point we decided to render it to DVD. The problem is that when we burn it to

DVD-R and put it in a DVD-player, the menu loads, clicking this starts the

main feature, but only 2-3 seconds of it play. Then it goes back to the


I've tried using the default burn in K3B, using K3B standalone (and also on a

different PC) to burn, using QDvdAuthor, and also ManDVD (again using K3B and

doing a direct burn), but all of them are coasters. The rendered material

plays fine on the PC, so I may be missing something obvious on the burning

side. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could try - I would

really like her to finish the project on Linux if possible.



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