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Change of profile in project setting crashes Kdenlive 0.7.5

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I have created a kdenlive project using some mp4 clips I shot (Clip properties reports them as H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4). These clips are 640x480/30fps, which I hence choose as my default (custom) profile. I now want to create a PAL DVD from this project. I tried two different approaches:

1. Render the project directly as a PAL DVD. This leads to a VOB file that is incorrect: the in- and out-points of the clips are incorrect as they are not adjusted for the change in frame rate from 30fps to 25 fps. This also leads to that a 10 second fragment of a clip ends up to be a 12 second fragment with extra frames added to the end

2. Changing the profile in the Project settings. This causes kdenlive to crash with SIGSEGV

Does this mean that if I want to render my kdenlive project as a PAL DVD that I have to re-create it completely, starting with the DVD PAL in the first place? Seems like an awful lot of work!

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There is a longer-term goal to be able to have all edits adjusted automatically when you change frame rate of the proejct, but currently it does not. Well, ideally you should be able to without crashing, but then you would be expected to adjust all of your edits. You can report this bug.


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