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Can't export in windows media player format

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Hi all.
I have Kubuntu 10.10 with a Wubi installation on windows vista (Kde 4.5.1)
I have installed recently Kdenlive but I'm having some problems with it.

1.Can't properly run mpeg clips in kdenlive (the audio is distorted and the reproducing is not fluent in the video monitor)
I can import the clips but it can't reproduce them well

2. Can't export in the following formats:
windows media player (all types)
mpeg 4 (All types)
H264 (all types)
Flash (All types)
Daylimotion 320 x 240
Youtube (640x480)

what's the problem? have I to install some libraries?
ps: being a wubi installation I can't run massive updates, because (due to a bug in wubi) I must absoulutly not update some files, so the only way to update is to update file by file

thanks for help


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