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HowTo create an MP4 profile" to maintain colours & contrast

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Hi guys, I hope someone is willing to help me...

I found a quite significant difference between the original video from my camera and the rendering in MP4 with standard profile "MP4 the dominating format". In the rendering the colours are not so vivid, and there is a lack of contrast. I would like to upload 2 pictures showing the difference I am talking about, I don't see a way to upload it here, sorry.

Trying to minimize such "deterioration" I downloaded Bartoloni's profile "MP4 Dominant YUV420p". A short test shows that with this profile colours and contrast of the original are maintained. But unfortunately, when I try to render the whole video with this profile, the rendering crashes at 40-50% with the message:
Code: Select all
mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7fe5d0085240] st: 0 edit list: 1 Missing key frame while searching for timestamp: 1001

Don't know if this error might have something to do with the fact that on the timeline I have MP4 clips with YUV420 Video 8 bit and JPG images in RGB?

I then created a new profile based on the "MP4 the dominating format" and added the string "mlt_image_format=yuv420p pix_fmt=yuv420p" at the end of the parameters.
The parameters of the modified profile now look like:
Code: Select all
f=mp4 movflags=+faststart vcodec=libx264 progressive=1 g=15 bf=2 crf=%quality acodec=aac ab=%audiobitrate+'k' mlt_image_format=yuv420p pix_fmt=yuv420p

Also this crashes at the half of its work :( Is there anything else I can do to keep the look of the original clips?

I am now using kdenlive-20.04.0-x86_64.appimage, same result with kdenlive-19.12.0a-x86_64.appimage
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Going crazy also me with these YUVs...

i hope these are only errors related to MLT ... or rendering script (maybe will be fixed) .. make sure to not have red selection rectangles OUTSIDE the view.


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