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Many issues appearing in render

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Many issues appearing in render

Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:54 pm
Hi, all. While creating my latest project, I encountered many problems that only appear in the final render-- playback on the timeline looks great. I just updated to 20.08, and I've been making similar videos just fine with 20.04.1 and previous versions. This is the first time I am seeing many of these, and I don't have any idea as to what's causing them. I'm not looking to fix them anymore, but out of curiosity, I wanted to ask if anyone might know the underlying cause:

[*]Audio on track A2 is delayed by about 1 sec.
[*]Clips on V1 and A1 start and end about 1 sec. before they are supposed to (as in the "trim boundaries" are shifted one second earlier)
[*]When cutting to zoomed-in clips using the Position and Zoom effect, there are a few frames of blackness before the video begins, though the audio starts right away
[*]A color clip on V2 aligns itself to the start of the nearest clip on V1, despite me manually setting it to appear a few seconds later[/list]
The following all occur in a particularly problematic section of the video:
[*]Certain successive clips on V1 are completely skipped over, but not the accompanying music on A1, thus causing the audio to be several seconds out of sync for the rest of the video
[*]As such, rendering with the in/out selection captures more video than it is supposed to because it is including the duration of the video that was skipped over
[*]Some videos/images on V2 and V3 are very delayed, while some never appear at all
[*]Audio on A2 after the aforementioned skip-and-desync never plays at all[/list]

I'm using the Windows 10 install version-- copy-pasting into 20.04.1 worked, but the render was still messed up. A reinstall of the program hasn't helped, unfortunately. For now, I'm going to redo the project in another editor, since it isn't too long and I don't have many complex effects. This is probably a very unusual case, but if anyone has any idea what the problem could be, I'd be interested to hear. Thanks!
KDE Developer
In 20.08, we adopted a new approach to many long standings bugs due to comma/point decimal separator issue (I guess your localization option uses ","?).
Our tests did work on Linux, but obviously we didn't test enough on Windows with comma separator.
We will try to find a fix soon, meanwhile you should either stick to 20.04, or switch you language options to "." separator (as in en-US).
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Registered Member

Re: Many issues appearing in render

Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:19 pm
vpinon wrote:(I guess your localization option uses ","?).
Our tests did work on Linux, but obviously we didn't test enough on Windows with comma separator.

My gosh, you're absolutely right! I suspected it was something I changed on my computer that messed things up, but I had no idea that would be it. Thank you!


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