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Videos rendered using High 4:4:4 Predictive profile

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My project setting uses HD 1080p 24 fps and my render preset uses an mp4 container and a libx264 Codec. But for some reason, my recent videos all render as H.264 (High 4:4:4 Profile). The problem is that the platform I'm working with isn't able to process videos with that profile. Is there a way to force encoding using something like H.264 (High Profile)?

Here's my current code:
Code: Select all
f=mp4 vcodec=libx264 width=1920 height=1080 sample_aspect_num=1 sample_aspect_den=1 display_aspect_num=16 display_aspect_den=9 frame_rate_num=24000 frame_rate_den=1000 progressive=1 crf=%quality acodec=aac channels=2 ar=44100 ab=%audiobitrate+'k'


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