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Why is 160 kb/s default for audio exports?

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Why is the original audio bitrate from my phone (Samsung Galaxy S21) of 242 kb/s exported as 160 kb/s in Kdenlive (render preset: MP4-H264/AAC) and obviously any other video editing software I have used. I have now been searching online for any answers like official H.264 presets that require 160 kb/s AAC audio, but I have found nothing.

The only thing I found is that Apple devices apparently only support a maximum of 160 kb/s AAC in a H.264/MP4 file?

Video formats supported: H.264 video up to 4K, 30 frames per second, High Profile level 4.2 with AAC‑LC audio up to 160Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio

Source: ... Generation

1) So, is Apple making the rules or is there any other reason for this?

2) Also, I'm wondering why my phone should record videos with audio that would be unsupported on other mobile devices? The videos play back smoothly on my laptop, I have no Apple device to test the compatibility, but I'm wondering if iPhones really record audio with less than 160 kb/s for videos?

3) If there are any official documents why the maximum should be 160 kb/s, please share a link to them.

Thank you! :)
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Well, how to put it?

NA is full of stupid customers and your friendly monopolist Apple makes the rules there. EU is also full of stupid customers but it is Samsung's territory. Mismatch! :D

I wouldn't bother about "official H.264 presets" unless absolutely necessary for streaming (personally I would rather go for matroska instead of mp4) but this might be just the site that does has answers proper:

PS: Perhaps Doom9 could help, too?

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