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The Most Powerful Features in Krita for Digital Painters

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Hi !

I just discovered Krita few weeks ago, but I really, this software blew my mind !

To encourage the developer and contribute to its popularization, I wrote an article about what I found the most interesting in this software. The article shows abouts 20 features, illustrated with basic examples in GIF and embed video tutorials (these videos are not made by me), to present what I found interesting in Krita, from a long time Photoshop user point of view.
It is not a total formation from an expert in drawing (my graphic works is more about photo montage), it is just some basic but powerful features demonstration !

I share with you this article, as it can be useful for people who are looking for quick tips in Krita on this forum,
and for people who are looking for resources to share for showing Krita's power !

So here is my article :

The Most Powerful Features in Krita for Digital Painters / ExtremRaym

Hoping you will like it, even if you don't learn nothing new from it !
Note : I used the v2.9 beta 2, for a more actual presentation.

Good reading,
and good drawing ! :D

Cheers !

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Hi !
Thanks to the community support, and especially from Boudewijn, this article has been (and still is) the most popular article on my website. Thanks ! :)
In order to invite more users to discover Krita before the v3, I just translated the article in French:

Les Meilleurs Fonctionnalités de Krita pour les Peintres Numériques / ExtremRaym

Voilà :)

Grâce au soutien de la communauté, et en particulier à celui de Boudewijn, cet article est devenu (et est toujours) l'article le plus populaire sur mon site web. Merci à vous !
Afin de permettre à plus d'utilisateurs de découvrir Krita avant la v3, je viens de le traduire en français :

Les Meilleurs Fonctionnalités de Krita pour les Peintres Numériques / ExtremRaym

Voilà :)


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