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Feeling VERY Dumb: Muses DVD download - How do I use it?

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I have 40 years in Information technology so I recognize 99% of what is in the Muses download.

The problems are:

1) I do not have VLC or have any history with it and its vulnerabilities, history of problems etc.
2) I read the README.txt but it says to do.
3) I read the other README files in the open text format and immediately go very concerned. I really do not want to mess up my Krita installation. Plus, every time I install a new version I am going to have to do this all over again.
4) I noticed the USB stick version appears to have the Muses DVD in one compact form instead of the files that I am supposed to copy to somewhere in my Krita directory to get it to work.

I am not angry, just extremely frustrated. I realize that this is open source, KDE etc, but when you list a DVD tutorial, it should really be in a format that someone can use immediately, not have to cut and paste to make it work after downloading software that you have never used.

If ANY of that had been mentioned in the description of the tutorial, I would have bought the stick and waited 2 weeks or whatever to get it just so I would have the Muses DVD already ready to go and on a USB stick so that when I install a new version, I don't blow my Muses DVD out of the water or cause problems for the new version of Krita because of what I did to make Muses work.

Please, someone help me out here. There HAS to be a version of the DVD in a format that is ready to rock for a new person like me. I just registered for KDE and to be honest, I really was not expecting this much trouble to use something I paid at least 30$+ USD to purchase.

Can anyone help me out?


Natarthos is who I used to be but something happened with KDE and I could not log in as Natarthos so I had to create a new account as there was no way, no way apparent to me that is for me to recover my original KDE account.

Sorry, but major frustration for this old man.

Updated just before bed:

I downloaded VLC but I really did not like having to download software with which I have no history. Again, some kind of note about what you would have to do to get Muses working would have been EXTREMELY helpful in my decision or not to purchase.

I managed to get what I hope is the first video up and running but already I have an issue, the young man is simply moving too fast, speaking Spanish which I do not speak and doing things before I can finish reading the subtitles. Result: Hitting the pause button just to have time to read the longer subtitles. Maybe I can change the font to be smaller or something so it is on one line but honestly, frustration level just rose another notch.

I appear to be watching what I hope is the first of the tutorials although it is numbered 02, my assumption is that the introductory video which was only a couple of minutes long was 01?

Short story is ignore most of this post except this. I received an exception during the unzip process but it then continued so I have no idea if I have all the files I should have although I believe there was some kind of a files list in one of the open text files. I will check it out in the morning when my frustration level has gone down after some sleep and I have time to brew a new pot of coffee. I am just hoping that this really is for the current version or close but already it showed three (3) buttons that he removed that DO NOT show up on version 2.9. Maybe it is my complete misunderstanding but I thought the Muses tutorial was for the current version. Am I wrong? If so, how far off is it and is what it will show me be available in the 2.9 version of Krita I am using now? Sorry folks, this is just really not what I expected. Yes, I figured out the subtitles, now if only I could figure out a way to slow him down. I am really hoping he does not always go so fast when going through the "how to" sections as I bought this because I am new, not because I already knew everything and could easily follow along as he zips across the screen and like I said goes to panels that I have not seen.


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