Hi, this is my last painting i have done with Krita. and yuo people on the forums have the "premiere" I wanted to paint a character for a a book separator and started to play with some brushtrokes and shapes. then a crazy idea appears.. Joan of arc. First i thought about Joana of Arc but the image and idea was changing while i was painting. This woman is older than 19 and the armour is a bit Sci-fi with a special stonish-metal sword. So i eft the idea but keep the name.
It was designed to be printed on A4 and with text on the blank spaces. As a book cover. I am studying how to improve my narrative language wich is one my weakness . I want to focus the attention on the Meditative girl. so i put lot of attention to the edges and blurred parts , like somekind of Depth of field but not so precise.
I hope you like it. any critic is welcome. now is your turn.