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KDE Commit-Digest for 26th October 2008

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In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: A collection importer added to Amarok 2, which allows importing statistics from Amarok 1.4 databases (as well as arbitrary external sources). Ability to disable the fullscreen thumbnail bar in Gwenview. Shadow brightness implemented for KWin-Composite effects. Support for animated icons across KDE. Support for output of MathML Presentation Markup in KAlgebra. Python language bindings for the Marble library, whilst creating Plasma DataEngines in Python reaches an almost-working stage. Option to force the number of rows in the Plasma "Taskbar". Start of work on KScoreManager. Import of a minimal KPart for the Palapeli game. Beginnings of filter matching for the syndication plugin (replacement for RSS plugin) in KTorrent. More WebCore-based improvements to KHTML. Initial commit of an "autobrace" KTextEditor extension. Import of KSendEmail, a command-line tool to send email (using D-Bus connectors). The "Bomber" game moves from playground/games to kdereview, whilst Killbots moves out of kdereview into kdegames for KDE 4.2. Kephal (new screen management library) moves to kdereview. The refactored Plasma "System Tray" and "Taskbar" move into trunk in time for KDE 4.2.Read the rest of the Digest here.

Posted on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 10:02:58 +0000 at ... tober-2008

Last edited by neverendingo on Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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