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Gregory Schlomoff - BetterInbox & KDE Development Platform

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The KDE Development Platform is an attractive base for developers of Qt applications. At its core, the KDE libraries provide job APIs for asynchronous processing, transparent network access, caching and more. The KDE PIM Development Platform also provides libraries for common transport and storage standards such as POP3, IMAP, vCard, iCal, MIME messages (email) and more. With Akonadi, the KDE 4 Development Platform is a complete framework for creating full-featured PIM applications with modern modular design, extensibility and scalability.
The Kontact PIM suite is a popular Free Software set of applications based on the KDE PIM Development platform, but it is not the only one. In the last few weeks Gregory Schlomoff has been working on an external, third party email solution based on the KDE PIM Development platform.
The Dot checked in with Gregory to see how it is going.
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