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A Week of Crashes

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Chris Jones
Registered Member

A Week of Crashes

Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:32 pm
Thought I should post this here for verification before declaring it a bug - or would it be better practice to go straight to a report in future?

Anyway, I just spent this past week testing Krita on some production work, and the biggest problem I encountered was that it would crash every several minutes, usually when touching pen to tablet (Wacom Intuos 2). One minute I'm drawing, and then suddenly it's gone in the blink of an eye and I'm staring at the desktop. I was just about a nervous wreck by the time I'd finished! I had this issue last time I attempted to use it on a project, and thought it might have been related to the auto save. This time it was happening with or without auto save. Needless to say I left it on, and the feature has now proven its worth many times over.

Even after some 40+ hours of this I couldn't pinpoint the cause, but perhaps the following provides some clues:

All the presets I was using had pressure set to control opacity, and X-Tilt and Y-Tilt controlling size. Whenever I had the brush sized up quite high and/or touched the tablet very lightly or briefly, the frequency of crashes seemed to escalate. I can't be certain of this though. I only used Pixel brushes, and it occurred regardless of whether it was an Autobrush or Predefined brush. Once or twice I was able to work uninterrupted for an hour or so.

The image is 6000 x 3375 with 10-20 layers. Memory usage is about 2.4 GB with the file opened. Following a crash the hard drive would usually start thrashing, memory pretty much maxed out (4 GB) and in Windows Task Manager I'd find that Krita is still operating in Background processes. When I end the task, the memory usage drops all the way back down to 1.4 GB or so.

Krita, Windows 8 64bit


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KDE Developer

Re: A Week of Crashes

Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:54 am
This definitely looks like an out-of-memory issue. Maybe try to set the undo limit to 0? We should be better at catching this issue, but it seems that our virtual memory system doesn't work on Windows.
Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: A Week of Crashes

Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:14 am seems a bit more stable so far, although I haven't been pushing it that hard yet. I'll try reducing the undo if it crops up again and see if that makes a difference.




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